Our eye health evaluations are more than just vision correction!

Did You Know

Your eyes are the windows to your general health. In fact, your eyes provide early detection for many different diseases that can affect more than just vision!

Diseases often discovered from signs present in the eye include high blood pressure, diabetes, autoimmune disease, and even heart disease. The leading cause of loss of vision in adults is diabetes and very often develops in the eye without vision symptoms. That’s why it’s so important to have an annual eye health and vision evaluation as part of your personal health maintenance strategy. Prevention is our strategy. We want to provide you live life in focus.

What We Check

We not only evaluate the optical performance of your eyes but assess the complete health and function of your visual system using the most advanced optical, visual field, and retinal diagnostic technology. Good vision begins with healthy eyes. All patients are screened for glaucoma, and we consider your complete personal and family medical history to thoroughly assess all potential risks to vision. Then we consult with you concerning your lifestyle in order to recommend the best options to ensure that your eyes perform when you need them most, at work or at play. Live life in focus, that’s what we do.

The Best You Can Find

While so many bargain eye care providers are interested only in volume and getting the next patient in the chair, we put quality above all else. We consistently invest in new diagnostic and vision correcting technology to make sure your vision is the very best. Nothing affects how you live more than vision. It’s live life in focus.