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Interested in learning more about our new Aesthetic Services for eye and skin rejuvenation? Fill out this form to stay connected!

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Content on this web site has been provided and/or reviewed by our Practice. We have reviewed site information and find it to be in accordance with the standards of the optometry profession in our jurisdiction. We strive to provide unbiased, accurate, timely and up-to-date information. The information on this site is not presented as a substitute for informed professional advice and does not substitute for consultation with optometrist or any other health and/or medical professional. If you have any questions about your individual situation, please contact your optometrist – your eye health professional.

The basic graphical template and parts of this website have been created by a Service provided by National Strategic Group and/or any affiliated companies. National Strategic Group and any of its affiliated companies do not endorse any of the products or treatments described, mentioned or discussed in any of the web pages, services or database information accessible within this website. Due to the possibility of human error or advances in scientific knowledge, National Strategic Group , and/or any commercial partners, their staff nor any other party involved in providing web pages, services or database information accessible within this website, warrant that the information contained therein is in every respect accurate or complete and are not responsible nor liable for any errors or omissions that may be found in such information or for the results obtained from the use of such information.

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Health information about you may be transmitted from this website to our practice. National Strategic Group does not permanently store nor use, transmit (other than for its intended use), record, or otherwise make any use of this health information. Website visitors are advised to read the Notice of Privacy Practices which describes how health information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information and/or to contact us directly.

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Find Out if Neurolens is Right for You, Take Our Short Questionnaire

On a scale of 1-5 (1 being never and 5 being always) how true is this statement for you:
I experience headaches of any severity each week, usually getting worse later in the day
I experience stiffness or pain in my neck or shoulders when I work at a computer or read
I experience discomfort with computer use in my eyes (redness, burning) after long hours looking at the screen
I experience tired eyes with increasing feeling of eye fatigue throughout the day
I have a dry eye feeling progressively more gritty/sandy while working at the computer or reading
I experience light sensitivity especially with brighter, stronger lights like flourescents or headlights
I have dizziness or experience motion sickness or vertigo
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.